The Best and Worst Places To Visit during Covid-19

Best and Worst places during covid-19

Traveling in times of Covid-19? Here are the best and worst places to visit during this pandemic of Covid-19.


From hand sanitizers in hotel lobbies to cabin crew in masks and PPE suits and thermal screenings at the airport and railway stations, government imposed lockdowns in many places to contact tracing apps, Covid-19 has surely transformed the world of travel.

With several closed borders and canceled flights, traveling and vacations came to a standstill! The United Nations’ World Tourism Organization declared that 100% of global destinations had implemented travel restrictions at the peak of the pandemic. [s]

The situation may be getting better now. However, the virus is still very much present in our environment. The key to the best place to travel in a post Covid world lies in its normalization and how the respective country of the destination has handled the situation.

Although things are finally starting to get normal, thanks to the vaccine drives all around the world! It has now removed the mandatory face masks in public places. In addition, there are relaxations on the restrictions and has started to open its borders to welcome people.

As some countries and places still continue to grapple with the dreaded Covid-19 there are many countries across the world that has progressively inched towards normalization. This is because the larger part of the population of these countries had their vaccines. And so, the question now arises which are the best and worst places to travel in a post Covid world?

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How safe it is to travel during Covid times?

How safe it is to travel during Covid times

When you are dealing with a virus and pandemic like Covid19, all travel regardless of how many steps of precautions you took before boarding the train or flight, comes with some risk of getting or spreading Covid19. Hence, before you plan your travel, check the current Covid-19 situation in and around your neighborhood and places you are planning to go. In addition, check for any symptoms for yourself and the people with whom you’re going, prior to your trip.

Avoid traveling if you or any of the people going for the trip are sick; or develop any symptoms of Covid-19, or have been around places, or someone with Covid-19 in the past 14 days.

Unvaccinated people are best advised to avoid traveling. Seniors and infant babies should mostly avoid travel. This is because they are more exposed to the virus that can impact their overall health.

Traveling, as any other outdoor activity involves coming into close contact with people from different corners. And as such, it comes with its fair share of risks even after getting full vaccination with the Covid vaccine. However, it does slightly reduce your risk of becoming seriously ill and spreading the virus to others.

For two doses of the Covid vaccines, it takes around 2 weeks. And as for a one-dose vaccine, it takes a few weeks after receiving your shot to be considered safe. However, in all seriousness, it is important to remember and understand the fact that no vaccine gives a guarantee of 100 percent protection against Covid19. Regardless of which destination you choose for your trip, remember that the Covid-19 virus will probably be already present even in those places! So, plan your trips well, get vaccinated, and travel safe!

Best Countries to Visit

Best Countries to Visit during covid-19
  • The USA
  • New Zealand
  • Switzerland
  • Israel
  • France
  • Spain
  • Australia
  • Mainland China
  • The UK
  • South Korea

In America, as the Covid situation is slowly getting under control, many mandatory restrictions and lockdowns that were imposed are now lifted and invalid. And likewise, the other countries where life is progressively getting normalized, things are already looking so much better.

Public places are starting to open; the pending events and social gatherings are finally allowed again; people are also flooding towards the movie theatres to catch up and so much more.

After the USA, the next top countries on the list for the best places to travel post-Covid include New Zealand, Switzerland, Israel, France, and Spain. Parts of the Asia-Pacific region like Singapore, Hong Kong are on the list; thanks to their strict border curbs and zero-tolerance policy to small virus flare-ups.

Worst Countries to visit

Worst Countries to visit during covid-19
  • Argentina
  • The Philippines
  • Malaysia
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Colombia
  • Pakistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Peru
  • Taiwan

India, the Philippines, and some Latin American countries ranked the lowest and worst countries to visit during this pandemic period. This is due to many variant outbreaks, global isolation, and slow vaccinations. Although some of the borders of these countries have started to open, it is still far from normalization. Taiwan is ranked in the bottom half due to its inconsistent vaccination drive and a resurgent outbreak.

According to Bloomberg Covid Resilience Ranking, the place with the worst rank is Argentina followed by the Philippines, Malaysia, and India.

Important Tips To Travel Safely During Covid Times

Important tips to travel safely during Covid times
  • Before travelling, make sure you and your family or friends are fully vaccinated. All vaccines should follow recommendations of your local health authorities, such as Covid vaccine, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, the seasonal flu vaccine.
  • If there are any of your friends and family members on any sort of medications, make sure to bring enough to last for the entire trip. And even when on a foreign land, you should seek immediate medical care if you get any symptoms. For instance, if any of you have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or any other symptoms that resembles COVID-19.
  • If you are using public transport, make sure that you are following the mandatory rules and regulations laid down by the local authorities. Limit any forms of contact with surfaces that are frequently touched. And while doing so, wash or sanitize your hands frequently
  • Whether you are travelling by taxi or private vehicle, minimize your stops and bring your own sufficient food and drinks wherever possible.
  • When on a trip, practice social distancing. Avoid visiting crowded spaces, poorly ventilated enclosed spaces. And, if possible avoid any kinds of social or mass gatherings such as concerts, events and parties. Keep yourself and your loved ones safe!

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